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Pour out the Soykaf, lurk, and read the rules before posting!

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PHP-8.1 Upgrade Complete — by Appleman1234 at 2022-11-19 12:34:59

PHP-8.1 Upgrade has been completed.

Please let us know if you spot any issues you believe are caused by the upgrade, please report them either via posting on /q/, IRC, Mumble or email.

The refactor of lainchan codebase is still underway, as is work on Lainstore (our own store that will sell merchandise and accept Bitcoin, PayPal and credit cards) now that the Stickermule marketplace is no longer an available service.

2022 Updates — by Appleman1234 at 2022-08-13 23:26:55

We are running PHP-7.3 now.

There are lots of little code changes I need to merge from various sources (upstream, downstream, etc). I have a bunch of PHP-8.0 and PHP-8.1 fixes, but I don't know if I want to switch to composer like vichan has or not.

/drug/ was raided by soyjak scum, looking at restoring the posts from backup, but will take some time, given our tooling is still the stuff I wrote to restore single posts years ago.

The refactor of lainchan codebase is still underway, as is work on Lainstore (our own store that will sell merchandise and accept Bitcoin, PayPal and credit cards) now that the Stickermule marketplace is no longer an available service.

COVID 19 Pandemic is a thing now.

If you want to help feel free to submit PRs to Github or report any bot spam posts you see, as this makes it easier for Lainchan staff to mass delete spam posts. If you want to apply to be staff then see https://lainchan.org/staffapplication.html.

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